Congratulations Kobushi Dojo Doral Team

Kobushi Dojo Doral Team
Photo: From left to right, Kin Meng Kmet (Silver in Kata, Bronze in Kumite), Ricardo Figueroa (Gold in Kata), Rosie Lulo, Marco Fonseca (Gold in Kata, Bronze in Kumite), Gonzalo Chacón (Bronze in Kata), Marcus Figueroa (Bronze in Kata), Miguel Angél Quiñones (Bronze in Kumite), José Ignacio Ramírez, Alan Mayz (Silver in Kumite), Shihan Carlos Quintero. Missing in the photo: Sebastián Chacón, Luciano Pacheco, Stephanie González, Gabriel Boscán, Andrés Gutiérrez (Bronze in Kata), Sofia Gutiérrez (Gold in Kata), José Andrés Quintero (Gold in Kumite), and Ignacio Leal (Gold in Kata, Bronze in Kumite).

I want to congratulate the outstanding performance that our students did at the 2023 Miami Open Karate Tournament.
Our team was integrated by 17 athletes. With great effort and perseverance our students prepared to challenge their skills at this tournament for many long hours.

After their fights and matching contests our Kobushi Doral Team was able to bring 14 medals, 5 were gold, 2 were silver and 7 were bronze medals.

Our Kobushi Doral Team represented all of us at this karate tournament. The following are their accomplishments:

Marcus Figueroa (Bronze in Kata), Marco Fonseca (Gold in Kata and Bronze Kumite), Ricardo Figueroa (Gold in Kata), Sebastian Chacón, Miguel Angel Quiñones (Bronze in Kumite), Luciano Pacheco, Stephanie González, Alan Mayz (Silver in Kumite), José Ignacio Ramírez, Gonzalo Chacón (Bronze in Kata), Gabriel Boscán, Rosie Lulo, Andrés Gutiérrez (Bronze in Kata), Sofia Gutiérrez (Gold in Kata), Kin Meng Kcomt (Silver in Kata, Bronze in Kumite), José Andrés Quintero (Gold in Kumite), and Ignacio Leal (Gold in Kata, Bronze in Kumite).

At Kobushi Dojo Doral we teach that the value of competition is not in the medals. But rather in the preparation for the event that makes their improve version of themselves for doing their very best in competition.

In this way students learn important skills through competition including:

  • Goal setting.
  • How to control emotions when under pressure.
  • How to handle winning and losing experiences.
  • How to assess their own performances.

There is not a better feeling than when you know that you overcame your fears and came out delivering all your best effort.

Winning is not the most important part of the competition; it is having the courage to compete against your peers while learning your strengths and weaknesses.

If you go home having learned from your experience, that is a great accomplishment. This is what true champions do.

I congratulate everyone in our school because the accomplishments and success of one of us is due to the possibility to train with each one of us. I am very grateful for your involvement and support in our organization.

Continue training hard and smart!

Sensei Alberto