Rangos y Formas (Katas)
Color Rank kata(s) White 10th Kyu Shiho no kata Red 9th Kyu Kihon no kata Orange 8th Kyu Ten no kata Yellow 7th Kyu Pinan Nidan Purple 6th Kyu Pinan …
Color Rank kata(s) White 10th Kyu Shiho no kata Red 9th Kyu Kihon no kata Orange 8th Kyu Ten no kata Yellow 7th Kyu Pinan Nidan Purple 6th Kyu Pinan …
Good luck Kobushi Competition Team Seven athletes will represent Kobushi Dojo Doral at the Orlando Open International Karate Tournament.Just to let you know that this Saturday, September 16 our team …
Our 2023 Summer Challenge September Kobushi competition was a SUCCESS! I am writing to let you know that everybody did a great job, at the September Kobushi Kumite Challenge (Shiai). …
Let’s continue our journey of learning Karate Do and Japanese. In this case, we will focus on common vocabulary that will allow us to prepare ourselves for a ranking test. …
The Kobushi Saturday Competition class is an intense, advanced workout for Karate Sport Competition.We invite you to participate in our karate sport classes every Saturday morning at 10:00am. Any student …
I want to congratulate the outstanding performance that our students did at the 2023 Miami Open Karate Tournament.Our team was integrated by 17 athletes. With great effort and perseverance our …
Este artículo explora la terminología del kumite deportivo. Le proporciona muchos de los términos, palabras y comandos japoneses clave utilizados en la competencia de kumite.
Aprender un arte marcial no solo requiere que te esfuerces por alcanzar una condición física óptima, sino que también requiere que tu mente llegue a un estado diferente y te sumergas en una cultura e idioma...
Recomendaciones para una clase óptima de entrenamiento.